

2019 Not Guilty in Collin County DWI >0.The focus of this chapter is on bestiality, involving sex between humans and nonhuman animals.


(3) require the defendant to participate in a psychological counseling or other appropriate treatment program for a period to be determined by the court.ĥ Texas Penal Code §21.09(a), as created by Senate Bill 1232, Section 2, effective September 1, 2017Ħ Texas Penal Code §21.09(b), as created by Senate Bill 1232, Section 2, effective September 1, 2017 (2) prohibit the defendant from possessing or exercising control over any animals or residing in a household where animals are present or (1) require the defendant to relinquish custody of any animals in the defendant’s possession (b) If a judge grants community supervision to a defendant convicted of an offense under Section 21.09, Penal Code, the judge may: 42A.511(b), as created by Senate Bill 1232, Section 4, effective September 1, 2017: The crime is penalized as a state jail felony, unless the offense is committed under subsection (a)(9) or results in serious bodily injury or death of the animal, in which event the offense is a felony of the second degree. What is the penalty for a Bestiality conviction in Texas? (c) It is an exception to the application of this section that the conduct engaged in by the actor is a generally accepted and otherwise lawful animal husbandry or veterinary practice. There is a defense in the law provided by subsection (c):

bestiality bestiality

(10) advertises, offers, or accepts the offer of an animal with the intent that the animal be used in this state for conduct described by Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4). (9) engages in conduct described by Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4) in the presence of a child younger than 18 years of age or (8) permits conduct described by Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4) to occur on any premises under the person’s control (7) causes a person to engage or aids a person in engaging in conduct described by Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4) (6) organizes, promotes, conducts, or participates as an observer of conduct described by Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4) (5) possesses, sells, transfers, purchases, or otherwise obtains an animal with the intent that the animal be used for conduct described by Subdivision (1), (2), (3), or (4) (4) inserts any part of a person’s body or any object into the anus or genitals of an animal in a manner that is not a generally accepted and otherwise lawful animal husbandry or veterinary practice (3) causes an animal to contact the seminal fluid of the person (2) fondles or touches the anus or genitals of an animal in a manner that is not a generally accepted and otherwise lawful animal husbandry or veterinary practice, including touching through clothing (B) the person’s anus or genitals and the mouth of the animal (A) the person’s mouth, anus, or genitals and the anus or genitals of an animal or (1) engages in an act involving contact between: (a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly: 4 What is the current Texas law about Bestiality? 3 Judges were also given wider discretion to set conditions for community supervision. 1232 also added this offense to the list of registrable offenses for the purposes of Texas offender registration. 1232 created the offense of Bestiality among several other changes to laws on the same subject, and the law takes effect September 1, 2017. This law was created by Section 2 of Senate Bill 1232 1 and is to be codified at Section 21.09 in the Texas Penal Code.


What is the penalty for a Bestiality conviction?.What is the current Texas law about Bestiality?.
